


2021-11-21 16:14编辑:admin人气:438

到美生子月嫂;选择月嫂的标准是什么?  domestic,Find a month to take care of your child is really hanging,I am afraid that I am intimidating the child when I have a child in my family.,Even if you install the camera at home, you don't worry.,However, in the United States,The situation is different,Find qualified months and not easy,Don't make you like to find the moon-like moon like domestic.,It can be said,This is not a matter of money.,What is the standard of the moon??
  1、American MoonWhat is the scope of work??
  Moon,As the name suggests, it is the responsibility of Chinese mother-in-law.,During the month of the baby,people who take care of all affairs and beautiful people。供卵代孕
But the work content of the US Moon and the domestic moon is very different.,US Months specific work range,Generally, feed your baby、bath、Replace;Baby sleep;24Hours to protect your baby,These are related to the baby's work。代孕成功率
If you don't do anything, you may see the month.。代孕生儿子
So, when Bao Ma is in the interview,To talk about job responsibilities,And written in the contract。供卵代孕
  2、How to find a reliable moon??
  The United States is not like China has a variety of software and companies,Bao Ma and the moon are direct employment relationships,So, when Bao Ma is looking for a moon, we must first clarify his needs.,The more specific, better。代孕
Then use it according to your own needs.,Talk again,Eye is very important。试管代孕
I have to ask some questions carefully when I meet.。代孕
If you want the employer who works before the moon, it is good to consult the service.,According to the last employer, the satisfaction of the moon is detered to be suitable for this month.。代孕
  3、How to establish a good communication mode with the moon
  Bao Ma will always worry that there is no problem with the beauty of beauty.,At this time, pregnant mothers need to establish a good communication model with the moon.,This helps to take care of the baby better,Bao Ma is also more assured。So,How to build this communication mode??
  first,Bao Ma should take the initiative and the moon to exchange the baby during the day and night,Then make a baby growth log in detail,Let the moon feed the baby at night、Record of bowel movements。in addition,It is recommended that Bao Ma wants to see the situation of the moon.,Be knock on the door first,This respects each other to be harmonious,Better taking care of your baby。There is also the case that Bao Ma should not visit the baby frequently.,To avoid increasing the workload of the month,Also avoid the feeling of not trusting to the moon。
  4、What happens to be harmful?
  ①、No professional training,Surprise situation for pregnant moms and babies,Can't give correct opinion;
  ②、Illegal month center,It usually will make a month of pregnant moms and babies,There is no way to look at the moon.,Easy to appear unexpected;
  ③、No health certificate,Once infectious diseases,The consequences could be disastrous。


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